7 Effective Ways To Increase Your Instagram Post Engagement Rate
Most crucial criteria a business will look for when choosing influencers is a strong Instagram engagement rate. If your audience is engaging with your material and your postings are of good quality, your engagement rate (ER) is high. Brands seek guarantees that the sponsored content will be engaging for large numbers of their consumers and prompt them to take action. This implies that you will get more brand collaborations the greater your engagement rate.
The volume of post interactions you receive and the number of followers you have both affect your ER. The most significant post engagements, according to Instagram, are comments, likes, reshares, and views. Your engagement rate is computed using these indicators along with the number of your followers.
So, now the question is how to increase the engagement of your posts. Read ahead to learn more.
1. Show Your Face
You should attempt to include your face in your Instagram content if it fits with your specialty. Instagram images with human faces on them are 32% more likely to get comments and 38% more likely to get likes. People enjoy seeing other people and tend to interact when they know there is a person, behind. Your fans desire the ability to match a face with an Instagram handle. They will be more willing to interact with your material since it seems more personal to them.
2. Create Carousel Posts
Make a carousel out of an in-feed post if you're planning to share it. Compared with single in-feed photos and videos, it has been demonstrated that they enjoy a greater engagement rate. When all ten of the carousel slides are deployed, they draw much more interest. A carousel post may be used to share before-and-after pictures, photo dumps, and threads with tips. Use these posts to provide your audience with as much content and detail as you can; this will encourage them to bookmark the post for later, increasing engagement.
3. Utilize The Platform Features
The most popular influencers on the network make use of all of the functions offered by the program, they verified when Instagram went live. In-feed posts, Stories, Lives, IGTVs, and Reels are all included in this. Your Instagram account will see an increase in engagement as you use it more frequently. And of course, all those follower interactions do provide your engagement rate a nice big boost.
4. Add Right Hashtags
Hashtags are a fantastic tool to employ to broaden your audience, get more eyes on your content, and boost interaction. Make good use of the few hashtags you have available by including only those that are relevant to your content. Also, remember to add hashtags that are relevant to the calendar. These will include your content in popular social media discussions and increase your engagements.
5. Add A Catchy Caption
By providing an interesting caption for them to respond on, you may keep the audience on your page for longer. If your caption motivates people to like, share, save, and remark, you'll not only engage users but also increase the likelihood that they'll interact with you. By using witty wording, emojis, uppercase letters, or additional space between letters, you can keep the opening sentence from falling flat. Use the captions to offer mini-blog-style "how to" tutorials to add value. Use dot points to keep viewers' attention.
6. Geo Tags Are Important
Like hashtags, geo-tags can broaden your audience, bring more visitors to your content, and boost interaction on your posts. This tool can help you get more post saves in particular. Make your geo-tag precise to the place if you're in a well-known area.
7. Post Regularly
If you want to raise your engagement rate, don't ghost your followers. When you consistently post great posts, more of your followers will begin to see them, which increases the likelihood that they'll interact with your posts. They will stop paying attention to your profile if you ignore them and leave them hanging for weeks. It's crucial to plan out how many posts you would like to release each week and to schedule your content. Set weekly or monthly targets that you know you can accomplish with your workload, and keep it