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5 Low Calorie-Energy Giving Food Ideas

If you are conscious about your health then this blog is surely for you because we will discuss the five best low-calorie foods that will provide you instant energy and keep you full throughout your busy day without compromising your health.

There are moments during the day when we feel low and end up consuming things that are harmful to our health without realizing it, therefore this article will also help you manage your daily diet so that you can stay healthy and full of energy all of the time. Investment in the health is no less than Gold Investment.

Additionally, some people eat a lot yet still feel down, therefore these foods are the ideal option for them. If you enjoy eating but don't want to jeopardize your health, stick with us until the end of this blog.

1. Greek Yogurt

This is the high-protein food that you can add to your healthy diet routine, it not only provides energy but keeps you full for a long time. There are about 150 calories and 25 grams of protein in a 245-gm cup of non-fat Greek Yogurt.

It is the best alternative to chocolates and other sugary foods. According to one study, high protein Greek yogurt reduces hunger and boosts feelings of fullness.

2. Chia Seeds

This one is the most underrated energy provider that contains a lot of protein and fiber with a small number of calories. There are 4.7 grams of protein, 138 calories, and 9.8 grams of fiber in 1 ounce of chia seeds.

Chia seeds have a lot more benefits than one could imagine, they are high in soluble fiber and absorb liquids causing sensations of fullness by swelling in your stomach. If you include two servings of chia seeds in your regular diet, they will help you lose weight.

3. Fish

When experts compared several animals’ meat, they found out that the fish keeps us full for a long time than any other meat. Fish has a high protein content and some healthy fats and can lower ghrelin (hunger-causing hormone) levels.

The 3 ounces of this rich source of energy contain 13 grams of protein and 60 calories approximately. Furthermore, some fish types like Mackerel and Salmon provide omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for our health.

4. Legumes (Peas, Beans, and Lentils)

Legumes contain a high amount of protein and fiber and their effect on appetite is just incredible. If you consume Lentils, peas, or beans, you will get a greater sensation of fullness and decreased appetite and hunger.

This is the best option for the people who like to stay full for a long without losing their energy. There are 230 calories, 18 grams of protein approx., and 15.6 grams of fiber in a 1 Cup of cooked Lentils. According to one study, Legumes are better than those meals containing a large number of carbohydrates such as bread and pasta.

5. Oats

Last but definitely not least, oats are the ideal option for a healthy diet. This is a low-calorie, high-protein, high-fiber food that will boost your energy and suppress your hunger. A half-cup of dry oats contains 5 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, and only 154 calories.

As per some studies, Oatmeal consumption boosts the feelings of fullness and decreases the appetite and it is better than ready-to-eat breakfast cereal.

Wrapping Up

We hope you found this blog useful, and you no longer have to stay low just because you are afraid of overeating as we have revealed all of the greatest low-calorie foods that will not only provide you with energy but will also keep you full for a long time. See your health and its stability as a long term investment and make the choices that will help it to nurture.


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